Ross drove home yesterday from the surgery center while I kicked back in the reclined car seat and texted a lot of friends and family. Made a quick stop at Chipoltle since it was 1:15pm and neither one of us had eaten anything. I was not required to fast before the procedure yesterday, but nothing was sounding good due to some nerves. We had been back home all of 10 minutes when Ross’ sister and her husband stopped by. I finished my lunch and then relaxed in the recliner for a few hours during the visit. 

I had received so much encouragement throughout the morning. Yesterday I got this from my sister in law:


Earlier that morning, before we left for the transfer, I was texting my best friend and she let me know that she had texted the ladies she works with to remind them to pray for me, as this is something they have been doing for a while now. She also sent me this:

While texting friends and family before the transfer, I heard back from a friend from work who had told me last week that the women’s Bible study she meets with weekly choose something or someone to pray for for the next week and they each take a day to focus on whatever the topic is or whoever the person might be. She had already let me know that I was going to be the focus of their prayers for the last week, but what is so cool about this is that I responded to her text at 11:22am. She said that a reminder that God has given her is Mark 11:22 – “Jesus said, Have faith in God.” So cool!!

After the transfer was complete, my cousin called later in the evening to tell me that she had an alarm set for 11:30 and that as soon as it went off, she and the ladies she works with gathered to pray. 

I know that so many others have been praying for Ross and I during this journey and we have felt those prayers! We have received so many words of encouragement from friends and family. We love you all and cannot express what your thoughtfulness has meant to us. 

I have the guest room all set up for veggin’ out. After Amanda and Greg left yesterday, I transferred to the guest room and Ross moved the Apple TV from the living room to the guest room. 


My Mom came by as soon as she was off from work and then my Dad was here soon after. They made dinner for us, which was amazing! T-bone steaks that were an inch and a half thick, asparagus, roasted potatoes and fresh pineapple. After dinner, we watched the new Cinderella movie that just came out on Redbox and ate cookies. Mom and Dad left around 9pm. I was in bed before 11 and slept pretty solid until 8am this morning. 

We have so much support from friends and family. We have been overwhelmed with offers for meals and visits. We are so appreciative. It really helps that Ross works from home. He is able to keep an eye on me and he check in at least once an hour to make sure I’m laying down. We love you all very much and truly appreciate your thoughtfulness!